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Federal Marketing

Elevate your federal presence with introductory and capabilities statement emails! We utilize intelligence including NAICS, PSCs, competitors, and industries to deliver concise introductions to the right people. Directly reach federal buyers and decision makers with your capabilities statement & much more.


Introductory Email Campaigns

Building Relationships Matters in the Federal Contracting World.

At isiFederal, we take care of the heavy lifting by initiating the conversation for you.

We customize the communications that go out to the federal buyers and program managers. Let us do the talking for you and introduce you to decision makers in your space.

Capabilities Statement Email Campaigns

Your capabilities statement is your company's resume. Instead of leaving the federal buyers to sort through companies to do business with, we put your information right in their hands. With a professional review from our partner Rafael Marrero & Company, your capabilities statement will have all the components that resonate with buyers and program managers.

We get the conversation going between your company and the feds.

Virtual Briefings - GovBrief

GovBrief is your key to getting your company in front of federal decision makers. Through live virtual briefings, we empower you to showcase your company to buyers.

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